Microdermabrasion with Nourishing Mask

Microdermabrasion is one of today’s most popular nonsurgical anti-aging treatment. This method of physical exfoliation involves buffing away the surface layer of your skin while simultaneously vacuuming up dead cells, oil, and other yucky debris that’s trapped in your pores.

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Microdermabrasion is one of today’s most popular nonsurgical anti-aging treatments and is available in both dermatologist offices and skin spas. This method of physical exfoliation involves buffing away the surface layer of your skin while simultaneously vacuuming up dead cells, oil, and other yucky debris that’s trapped in your pores. The benefits of microdermabrasion are many. It removes dull skin, softens fine lines, smoothes out coarse skin texture, reduces acne and pore size, fades scars and brown spots, and stimulates cell turnover and the creation of collagen.

There are two types of microdermabrasion, crystal and non-crystal. Crystal microdermabrasion blasts tiny medical-grade crystals across the skin’s surface. Non-crystal microdermabrasion uses a rough or diamond-tipped disc to slough the skin.

This treatment is effective on all skin types and skin tones, and offers a great alternative to chemical peels for anyone with sensitive skin or who’s pregnant and wants to avoid harsh ingredients. It’s also great for people who have a lot of whiteheads, and blackheads ,it is a great way to open up pores, get them clean and prepare the skin for better penetration of your products.

How is microdermabrasion done?

The microdermabrasion machine has a wand at the end of which is a 6 millimeter head (that’s slightly larger than a pencil eraser) that has either the crystals or rough disk that will exfoliate your skin. As the wand is moved methodically over your skin, you may feel a slight gritty tugging sensation, similar to the lick of a cat’s rough tongue, but otherwise there is no discomfort. Once the microdermabrasion is complete, a hydrating mask  is usually applied to dry or normal skin and anti-acne medicine would be used to treat blemish-prone skin. There is also virtually no downtime.

What are the benefits of the microdermabrasion?

You’ll see an immediate improvement in skin’s radiance, texture, and tone, but you’ll need to go through several sessions to witness the benefits of reversing pigmentation issues, minimizing fine lines, and boosting collagen production.

Recommended course for optimal results?

Microdermabrasion isn’t a one hit wonder. If you want to smooth out those old acne scars and new fine lines, it’s going to take a series of about 6 treatments to see those results. Generally, your skin can handle one treatment each month. Regular treatments also offer the best anti-aging benefits as well  by constantly creating a low level wound-healing response, which puts out new collagen.

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Benefits of the Microdermabrasion with Nourishing Mask

  • It removes dull skin
  • softens fine lines
  • smoothest out coarse skin texture
  • Reduces acne and pore size
  • Fades scars and brown spots
  • Stimulates cell turnover and the creation of collagen.